Find out about referrals on the My Planned Care website.
If you have been referred to hospital and are waiting to be seen as an outpatient or inpatient, and your symptoms deteriorate you need to contact the hospital you have been referred to for a specialist to review your referral letter and changing symptoms their contact details are below:
New appointments: 01522 573200
Follow Ups: 01522 573199
e-referral Service Appointments Line: 0345 608 8888
Peterborough City Hospital or Stamford Outpatients Referral Line: 01733 673555
Switchboard: 01472 874 111
Patient contact centre: 03033 306 642
NHS Telephone Appointments Line: 0345 608 8888 or 0808 302 9751
St Hugh’s
Choose and Book Team: 01472 251 100 ext 3307 or 3349